Research Article

In Vivo Evaluation of Ethanolic Extract of Zingiber officinale Rhizomes for Its Protective Effect against Liver Cirrhosis

Figure 2

Micrograph presents the histopathological sections of the livers taken from rats in different experimental groups. (a) Normal histological structure and architecture were seen in livers of the normal control group. (b) Severe structural damage and formation of pseudolobules with thick fibrotic septa with proliferation of bile duct and centrilobular necrosis were present in the liver of the TAA control group. (c) Mild inflammation but no fibrotic septa were depicted in the liver of the hepatoprotective rat treated with TAA + silymarin. (d) Partially preserved hepatocyte and architecture with small area of necrosis and narrow fibrotic septa existed in the liver of the rat treated with TAA + 250 mg/kg of the ERZO. (e) Partially preserved hepatocyte and architecture with small areas of mild necrosis were observed in the liver of the rat treated with TAA + 500 mg/kg of the ERZO (H&E stain original magnification 10x).