Review Article

Microbial Diversity in the Era of Omic Technologies

Table 2

Technical specifications of Next Generation Sequencing platforms.

Platform454IlluminaLife technologies ABI/SOLIDHelicos biosciences heliscopeIon torrentPacific biosciences

Year of availability200520062006200720102010
Sequencing length200–700 bpUp to 150 bp35–50 bp25–55 bp~200 bp1500 bp
Sequence yield per run700 Mb2–600 Gba120 Gb35 Gb20–50 Mb on 314 chip
100–200 Mb on 316 chip Gb on 318 chip
100 Mb
Run time23 h27 h–11 days7-8 days3–6 days2 h2 h
TechnologyemPCR, pyrosequencingPolonies, cleavable dye terminatorsemPCR, ligation with cleavable dye terminators True Single Molecule Sequencing (tSMS)Single base, reversible dye terminator extension reactionsemPCR, H+ detectionSingle Molecule Real Time (SMRT) sequencing dyes that are phospholinked to the nucleotide, very sensitive fluorescent detection in zero mode waveguides

2 Gb for the MiSeq and 600 Gb for the HiSeq2000.