Clinical Study

The Predictive Value of Adrenomedullin for Development of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock in Emergency Department

Table 1

Patient characteristics.

VariablesDeteriorative groupStable

Age (years)72 (60–78)71 (59–78)0.825
Male, (%)46 (64.8)184 (61.1)0.590
Comorbidities, (%)
  COPD26 (36.6)98 (32.6)0.576
  Asthma5 (7.0)26 (8.6)0.813
  Hypertension42 (59.2)165 (54.8)0.596
  Diabetes36 (50.7)175 (58.1)0.287
  Stable CAD without HF29 (40.8)116 (38.5)0.787
 Noncomorbidity16 (22.5)62 (20.6)0.746
Infection site, (%)
  Pneumonia48 (67.6)208 (69.1)0.887
  IAI18 (25.4)78 (25.9)1.000
  Meningitis3 (4.2)5 (1.7)0.181
  Pyelonephritis2 (2.8)10 (3.3)0.590
Positive culture result, (%)45 (63.4)153 (50.8)0.064
APACHE II score14.14 ± 6.2614.05 ± 6.340.834
SOFA score3 (2–5)3 (2–5)0.237

ED: emergency department; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CAD: coronary arterial disease; HF: heart failure; IAI: intraabdominal infection; APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.