Research Article

Evaluation of Anti-Candida Activity of Vitis vinifera L. Seed Extracts Obtained from Wine and Table Cultivars

Figure 2

In vivo imaging of mice vaginally infected with C. albicans gLUC59 and treated with Fluconazole (FLC) or M. Palieri V1N1 2010 GSE (V1N1). Mice under pseudoestrus condition were infected intravaginally with 10 μL of a  cell/mL suspension of C. albicans gLUC59 and treated with 10 μL of saline, 10 μL of FLC (200 mg/L), or 10 μL of V1N1 (0.5 g/L) 2 h before the challenge and then every two days. After 2, 5, and 8 days after infection mice were treated intravaginally with 10 μL of coelenterazine (0.5 g/L) and imaged in the IVIS-200TM imaging system under anesthesia with 2.5% isofluorane. Total photon emission from vaginal areas within the images (region of interest (ROI)) of each mouse was quantified with Living ImageR software package. The reported data come from one of the three experiments with similar results (a). Quantification of total photon emission from ROI was evaluated and the statistical significance was determined with Mann-Whitney -test. (Day +2 postchallenge FLC-treated versus saline-treated mice); (Day +5 postchallenge FLC-treated versus saline-treated mice) and (Day +5 postchallenge V1N1-treated versus saline-treated mice) (b).