Review Article

Inflammation-Based Scores: A New Method for Patient-Targeted Strategies and Improved Perioperative Outcome in Cancer Patients

Table 2

Published studies about neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR).

AuthorCancer typeStudy natureCutoffOutcome measure

Azab et al. [4]BreastRetrospective3.3NLR > 3.3 is predictor of higher mortality
Lee et al. [5]gastricProspective3NLR normalization after one cycle of chemotherapy correlates with OS and PFS
He et al. [6]Colorectal (metastatic)Retrospective3NLR < 3 associated with better OS
Feng et al. [7]EsophagealProspective3.5RFS, OS are not correlated with NLR
Stotz et al. [8]PancreaticRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with CSS
Absenger et al. [9]Colorectal (stage II-III)Retrospective4NLR > 4 associated to lower TTR
Gomez et al. [10]HCCRetrospective5Preoperative NLR > 5 was an adverse predictor of DFS/OS
Cho et al. [11]OvarianRetrospective2.6NLR > 2.6 associated with lower OS and DFS
Kao et al. [12]MesotheliomaRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with lower OS
Jung et al. [13]GastricRetrospective3NLR > 3 predict worse OS/DFS
Kim et al. [14]ThyroidRetrospectiveNLR is a negative prognostic factor in papillary thyroid carcinomas
Walsh et al. [15]ColorectalRetrospective5NLR greater than 5 correlated with OS/CSS
Hung et al. [16]ColorectalRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with significantly worse OS and DFS
Halazun et al. [17]Liver metastasis of colorectal cancerRetrospective5NLR > 5 predictive for risk of death and recurrence
Tomita et al. [18]NSCLCRetrospective2.5NLR > 2.5 associated to lower survival at 5 years
Keizman et al. [19]RenalRetrospective3NLR < 3 associated with better PFS and OS
Kim et al. [20]Uterine SarcomaRetrospective2.12NLR not correlated with PFS and OS, but good marker of progression
Sharaiha et al. [21]EsophagealRetrospective5NLR > 5 was associated with significantly worse DFS and OS
Garcea et al. [22]PancreaticProspective5NLR > 5 associated to lower DFS
Forget et al. [23]Breast, Renal, LungRetrospective4/3
High NLR, associated with poorer prognosis (mortality, recurrence)
Ong et al. [24]pancreaticRetrospectiveSignificantly higher in patients undergoing bypass at exploration for potentially curative carcinoma
Aliustaoglu et al. [25]pancreaticRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with poor survival
Aliustaoglu et al. [26]GastricRetrospective2.56NLR < 2.56 associated with higher survival
An et al. [27]PancreaticRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with shortened survival
Kishi et al. [28]Liver metastasis of colorectal cancerRetrospective5NLR > 5 correlated with OS.
When chemotherapy normalizes high NLR, improved survival is expected.
Guthrie et al. [29]ColorectalRetrospective5NLR > 5 associated with lower OS
Fox et al. [30]RenalRetrospectiveHigh NLR associated with OS
Mano et al. [31]HCCRetrospective2.81High NLR associated with poorer OS and DFS
Demirtaş et al. [32]BladderRetrospective2.5NLR were not found to be independent predictor of prognosis
di Giacomo et al. [33]MelanomaRetrospectiveNLR is a marker of response to chemotherapy
Szkandera et al. [34]Soft tissue sarcomaRetrospective3.45/3.58NLR > 3.45 associated with lower TTR
NLR > 3.58 associated with lower OS
Kobayashi et al. [35]RenalProspectiveNLR predictor of response after targeted therapy
Dimitrascu et al. [36]CholangiocarcinomaRetrospective3.3NLR > 3.3 associated with lower PFS
Yao et al. [37]NSCLCRetrospective2.63NLR > 2.63 associated with lower PFS and OS
Keizman et al. [38]ProstateRetrospective3NLR > 3 associated to lower PFS
McNally et al. [39]HCC—TACERetrospectiveTrend towards elevated NLR correlates with survival
Jeong et al. [40]GastricRetrospective3NLR > 3 associated with poorer OS
Chua et al. [41]Epithelial appendicular malignancyRetrospective2.6NLR > 2.6 associated with lower PFS and OS
Carrhuters et al. [42]Rectal cancerRetrospective5NLR > 5 associate with lower OS, DFS, TTLR
Pinato et al. [43]HCC—TACERetrospective5Persistently high NLR associate with worse survival
Chiang et al. [44]ColorectalRetrospective3NLR > 3 correlates with lower DFS
Sato et al. [45]EsophagealRetrospective2.2NLR > 2.2 correlates with higher recurrence
Chen et al. [46]HCC—RFTARetrospective2.4Baseline high NLR predictor of poor OS—post procedural high NLR associated with poorer OS/higher risk of recurrence
Thavaramara et al. [47]OvarianRetrospectiveHigher NLR associated with poorer PFS
Huang et al. [48]HCC—chemoembolizationRetrospective3.3NLR > 3.3 predicts poor survival
Chua et al. [49]ColonRetrospective5NLR > 5 correlated with lower OS; NLR normalization associated with higher PFS
Rashid et al. [50]EsophagealRetrospective3.5No correlations
Halazun et al. [51]Liver transplantation for HCCRetrospective5Elevated NLR significantly increases the risk for tumor recurrence and recipient death
Gomez et al. [52]Intrahepatic cholangicarcinomaRetrospective5NLR > 5 correlated with reduced DFS and aggressive tumor profile
Shibutani et al. [53]ColorectalRetrospective2.5NLR > 2.5 associated with poorer OS
Malik et al. [54]Colorectal after resection of hepatic metastasisRetrospective5NLR > 5 is a negative prognostic factor
Lee et al. [55]LungRetrospectiveA high post treatment NLR is associated with poor prognosis. An early reduction in the NLR after effective treatment may indicate survival improvement in patients with poor prognosis.

OS: overall survival; DFS: disease free survival; PFS: progression-free survival; CSS: cancer-specific survival; TTR: time to recurrence; TTLR: time to local recurrence.