Clinical Study

Changes in Osteoblastic Activity in Patient Who Received Bortezomib as Second Line Treatment for Plasma Cell Myeloma: A Prospective Multicenter Study

Table 1

Patient characteristics.

Total enrolled patients, (%)104
 Cycle 1104 (100.0)
 Cycle 475 (72.1)
 Cycles of bortezomib treatment, mean ± SD4.6 ± 2.2
Sex, , M/F (%)56/48 (53.9/46.1)
Age at treatment, , <65/≥65 (%)67/37 (64.4/35.6)
ECOG performance status, (%)
 023 (22.1)
 156 (53.9)
 223 (22.1)
 32 (1.9)
Quantity of M-protein (g/L) in SPEP, median (range)1.3 (0.0–6.7)
Hb ≤ 10.0 g/dL, /median (%/range)41/10.7 (39.4/6.9–15.3)
Platelet, median, (range)203.0 (30.0–760.0)
Creatinine, median (range)0.98 (0.5–5.6)
Calcium (g/dL), median (range)8.7 (6.5–11.1)
LDH > 472 IU/L, /median (%/range)20/350.0 (19.2/15.0–1452.0)
Albumin (g/L), median (range)3.7 (2.4–6.4)
Stage, (%)
Durie-Salmon Staging System
 I13 (12.5)
 II21 (20.2)
 III70 (67.3)
Stage, (%)
International Staging System
 I15 (14.4)
 II44 (42.3)
 III45 (43.3)
Previous treatment, (%)
 VAD37 (35.6)
 MP30 (28.9)
 Dexamethasone29 (27.9)
 ASCT21 (20.2)
 Thalidomide19 (18.3)
 Others21 (20.2)

VAD: vincristine + Adriamycin + dexamethasone; MP: melphalan + prednisolone; ASCT: autologous stem cell transplantation.