Review Article

Worldwide Dissemination of the NDM-Type Carbapenemases in Gram-Negative Bacteria

Figure 3

Schematic representation of -associated genetic structures identified among Gram-negative clinical isolates. (a) Structure found in A. baumannii, where the gene is part of the composite transposon Tn125. (b) Structures found in Enterobacteriaceae and P. aeruginosa where ISAba125 is presented as full or truncated element with gene (bleomycin resistance encoding gene) also being present as full or truncated gene. Genes and their corresponding transcription orientations are represented by horizontal arrows. oriIS of ISCR21 is indicated by a circle. The promoter is indicated (P). IS, insertion sequence; gene names are abbreviated according to their corresponding proteins: , bleomycin resistance gene; iso for truncated phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase; pac for truncated phospholipid acetyltransferase.