Research Article

Video Game Addiction in Gambling Disorder: Clinical, Psychopathological, and Personality Correlates

Table 4

Partial correlations, adjusted for participants’ sex and age, between VG total score and clinical outcomes.

SCL-90: somatization0.248
SCL-90: obsessive/compulsive0.295
SCL-90: interpersonal sensitivity0.291
SCL-90: depression0.221
SCL-90: anxiety0.258
SCL-90: hostility0.274
SCL-90: phobic anxiety0.270
SCL-90: paranoid ideation0.319
SCL-90: psychoticism0.245
SCL-90: GSI score0.297
SCL-90: PST score0.266
SCL-90: PSDI score0.227

TCI-R: novelty seeking0.085
TCI-R: harm avoidance0.089
TCI-R: reward dependence−0.055
TCI-R: persistence0.091
TCI-R: self-directedness−0.195
TCI-R: cooperativeness−0.104
TCI-R: self-transcendence0.118

Bold: significant correlation (.05 level).