Research Article

The Effect of Maternal Healthcare on the Probability of Child Survival in Azerbaijan

Table 1

The effect of delivery in healthcare facility on probability of child survival.

2SLS modelBivariate probit model
Coef.Std. Err. Coef.Std. Err.

First equation: instrumented variable is delivery in health care facility; instrumental variables are wealth and birth order
Age 20 or younger−0.1040.0350.003−0.3570.1160.002
Age 36 or older0.0940.0530.0760.3440.2070.098
Low birthweight0.0610.0450.1710.2190.1790.222
Higher education0.0770.0220.0000.6600.1990.001
Birth order−0.0730.0130.000−0.2470.0400.000
Constant 0.8540.0380.0001.0490.1350.000

Main equation: outcome variable is probability of child survival
Delivery in healthcare facility0.1510.0630.0160.9230.3470.008
Age 20 or younger0.0120.0160.4510.0800.1540.601
Age 36 or older−0.0170.0310.584−0.1360.2470.582
Low birthweight−0.0200.0190.288−0.1740.1670.297
Higher education−0.0320.0220.144−0.1640.1990.410
Constant 0.8430.0510.0000.9690.3190.002
Number of observations2285
(5, 311)1.31
Prob > 0.000
Number of observations 2285
Log pseudo-likelihood −1450000000
Wald (11)126.52
Prob > 0.000

Test of endogeneity
Durbin-Wu-Hausman test and (P value)10.49 (0.001)
-statistic and P value5.647 (0.017)
Wald test and P value4.15 (0.041)

Tests for overidentifying restrictions
Hansen statistic and P value0.407 (0.686)

Tests for the adequacy of instruments
Kleibergen-Paap LM statistic and P value42.93 (0.000)

Effects of treatment
ATE (average effect of treatment) 0.161
ATT (average effect of treatment to the treated)0.184

Notes: (1) dependent variable in the first stage is healthcarefacility delivery = 1; otherwise = 0. Dependent variable in the second stage is child survival = 1; otherwise = 0.
(2) , , and .
(3) Results adjusted to heteroskedasticity and clustering.
(4) Data are rounded up
Source: 2006 Azerbaijan Demographic and Health Survey [17].