Research Article

MTHFR Gene Polymorphism and Age of Onset of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Table 3

Mean age at onset and results of ANOVA test for genotype and allele frequency of MTHFR C677T in the bipolar and schizophrenia groups.

Diagnosis GenotypeAge at onset (Years) valueScheffe test ( value) Allele frequenciesAge at onset (Years) value
Mean ± SDCC-CTCC-TTCT-TT   Mean ± SD

Bipolar disorder
( = 134)
CC23.65 ± 7.995.8760.0040.0040.1450.946 CPresent21.43 ± 8.62.1760.032
CT18.51 ± 8.7Absent19.22 ± 4.5
TT19.22 ± 4.6TPresent 
18.75 ± 7.5 
23.65 ± 7.94

( = 136)
CC19.96 ± 5.3710.740.000*− CPresent20.74 ± 6.095.420.00
CT23.00 ± 7.5Absent14.67 ± 1.5
TT14.67 ± 1.5TPresent 
19.21 ± 7.0 
19.96 ± 5.4

SD: standard deviation. *Significance ( < 0.05).