Research Article

An Evaluation of 3-Rhamnosylquercetin, a Glycosylated Form of Quercetin, against the Myotoxic and Edematogenic Effects of sPLA2 from Crotalus durissus terrificus

Figure 6

(a) shows the results from paw edema in the animals that were injected with quercitrin (Qn 30′) and quercetin (Q 30′) 30 min before sPLA2 administration into the right paw of Swiss mice. The control group received a saline injection prior to the administration of sPLA2. Measurements were made after 30, 60, 120, and 240 min, and all edema results expressed in (a) were obtained after subtracting the edema values from the saline injection. (b) shows the results of paw edema in animals that were injected with quercitrin (Qn 30′) or quercetin (Q 30′) 30 min before the administration of sPLA2. The control group received saline. Myonecrosis was evaluated on the basis of CK levels after 50 mg of native sPLA2 was injected at a final concentration of 0.5 mg/mL into the gastrocnemius muscle. The results are expressed as units of enzymatic activity per liter (U/L). Error bars indicate the SEM. * compared to native sPLA2.