Review Article

The Design of a Quantitative Western Blot Experiment

Table 1

Major design parameters for protein-based assays. A solid experimental design that maps the procedure, controls, replicates, experimental conditions, and sampling handling guidelines sets the foundation for production of solid, quantifiable data.

Experiment procedureControl groupsReplicatesExperiment conditionsSample handling

Disease or treatment groupsTime course study (i.e., )Biological (difft sample per well)Growth conditions (media and time or OD)Precise time to harvest cells or tissues
Target proteins implicatedNormal versus disease (i.e., normal)Technical (same sample per well)Days of embryonic developmentSample extraction method
Potential internal controlsUntreated versus drug treated (i.e., untreated)Amount per mass of drug or compound
Preservation method and time
These first three steps define the following: experimental parameters and the goals and the samples based on literature or experimental data typically from broad microarray or proteomics experimentsSex, phenotype

Incubation time
Thaw and homogenization procedure

Total protein extraction procedure