Research Article

Deregulation of Serum MicroRNA Expression Is Associated with Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer

Figure 2

Differential expression profiles of 448 miRNAs in nonsmoker controls (C), smokers (S), and lung-cancer patients (T). (a) Scatter plot of S versus C; (b) scatter plot of T versus C; (c) scatter plot of T versus S. Central diagonal line and two outer diagonal lines in each panel represent the unchanged line and the threefold variation intervals line, respectively; (d) Venn diagram of the 448 differentially expressed miRNAs. Blue represents the differentially expressed miRNAs in S versus C; yellow represents the differentially expressed miRNAs in T versus C; brown represents the differentially expressed miRNAs in T versus S. 85 miRNAs were dysregulated in both S versus C and T versus C. The smallest differences in miRNA expression were in the comparisons T versus S and S versus C.