Research Article

Identifying Gastric Cancer Related Genes Using the Shortest Path Algorithm and Protein-Protein Interaction Network

Table 1

Items in the output of DAVID and their meanings.


CategoryDAVID category, that is, KEGG or GO
TermGene set name
CountThe number of genes associated with this gene set
PercentageCalculated by “gene associated with this gene set”/“total number of query genes”
valueModified Fisher Exact value
GenesThe list of genes from your query set that are annotated to this gene set
List totalThe number of genes in your query list mapped to any gene set in this ontology
Pop hitsThe number of genes annotated to this gene set on the background list
Pop totalThe number of genes on the background list mapped to any gene set in this ontology
Fold enrichmentThe ratio of the proportions on query genes and the background information which are associated with the gene set
BonferroniBonferroni adjusted value
BenjaminiBenjamini adjusted value
FDRFDR adjusted value