Research Article

Alcohol Induced Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress and Alveolar Macrophage Dysfunction

Figure 3

Chronic EtOH exposure promoted mitochondrial depolarization and dysfunction in AMs. mAMs were collected from control and EtOH-fed mice ( ) and mitochondrial membrane potential was analyzed by FACS analysis of TMRE staining. Representative contour plots of mAMs stained with TMRE showed that chronic EtOH ingestion increased the AM population with lower TMRE staining (a). The quantification of the percentage of mAMs maintaining higher TMRE fluorescence intensity (polarized mitochondria) (b). The ratios of NAD+/NADH in isolated mAM mitochondria were determined by using colorimetric assay ((c); pooled AMs, ). All values are expressed as mean ± SD and normalized to untreated or control conditions. for EtOH versus control.