Review Article

Levels of Soluble E-Cadherin in Breast, Gastric, and Colorectal Cancers

Table 1

List of the major works reporting soluble E-cadherin (sE-cad) proteins in the last 20 years.

TumorLocationMajor findingsReferences

and urine
sE-cad exerted prooncogenic effectsBrouxhon et al., 2013 [36]
SerumsE-cad may be a candidate marker for the prediction of response to PSTHofmann et al., 2013 [35]
BCSerumPreoperative sE-cad levels were higher in invasive tumor and changed after surgeryPerez-Rivas et al., 2012 [31]
Cell mediumsE-cad release appeared to be regulated by NGF during the BC cell induction of an invasive phenotypeDollé et al., 2005 [34]
SerumsE-cad levels positively correlated with the pre- and posttherapeutic tumor size as well as the disease-free intervalHofmann et al., 2005 [33]

SerumsE-cad was a good marker predicting the disease recurrence in the first 3–6 months after surgeryChan et al., 2005 [38]
SerumsE-cad was an independent factor predicting long-term survival, and it was proposed as a valuable pretherapeutic prognostic factor in GCChan et al., 2003 [39]
GCSerumsE-cad levels increased in intestinal-type GC, especially in advanced stages, and sE-cad was proposed as prognostic marker Juhasz et al., 2003 [40]
SerumsE-cad resulted in a potential valid prognostic marker for GCChan et al., 2001 [41]
SerumTumor tissues showed higher sE-cad levels, which were proposed as excellent tumor markers with high sensitivityGofuku et al., 1998 [42]

Secretome*More than 170 proteins were identified, including the E-cadImperlini et al., 2013 [43]
SerumAn elevated sE-cad level was a risk factor for predicting poor prognosis and hepatic metastasisOkugawa et al., 2012 [44]
CRCSerum, secretome,
and tissue
In patients with late-stage CRC, serum sE-cad levels directly increased and they were proposed as diagnostic biomarker Weiß et al., 2011 [45]
SerumsE-cad was proposed as potential marker but not for a routine clinical use because of the lack of specificityWilmanns et al., 2004 [46]
SerumEven if elevated in some patients, sE-cad concentrations were not significantly elevated compared with those of controls Velikova et al., 1998 [47]

BlC UrineUrinary sE-cad values were not greater than urinary total protein contentProtheroe et al., 1999 [48]
SerumsE-cad concentrations were higher in BlC patients, and they were correlated with known prognostic factorsGriffiths et al., 1996 [49]
BlC and urinary disordersUrineThis is the first evidence of sE-cad forms in urine, which were proposed for diagnosis and prognosis of urinary disordersBanks et al., 1995 [50]
TCC of the urinary BlCUrinesE-cad levels were higher in TCC patients and they strongly correlated with tumor gradeShi et al., 2008 [51]
Cell medium
and urine
Higher sE-cad levels were associated with positive cytology results and muscle invasive tumor stageShariat et al., 2005 [52]
SerumHigher levels of sE-cad correlated with increasing tumor grade but not with clinicopathological stageDurkan et al., 1999 [53]
MIBlCPlasmaPreoperative plasma levels of sE-cad were higher in patients with metastases to regional and distant lymph nodesMatsumoto et al., 2003 [54]

HCC SerumsE-cad levels were elevated in HCC patients and their levels were proposed as potential HCC prognostic marker Soyama et al., 2008 [55]

HDSerumIn HD patients, at diagnosis, sE-cad levels decreased, even if they were not statistically significant, in comparison to healthy controlsSyrigos et al., 2004a [56]

LCSerumCirculating sE-cad levels were higher in NSCL patients, but without any statistical evidence as prognostic factor of cell survivalSyrigos et al., 2004b [57]

MM SerumCirculating sE-cad levels were higher in MM patients and were proposed as prognostic factor of cell survivalGogali et al., 2010 [58]
Cell mediumsE-cad influenced tumor invasion and it was proposed to play multiple functional roles than cell adhesionCharalabopoulos et al., 2006 [59]

PCa SerumsE-cad concentration highly statistically decreased after surgery in 82% patients Iacopino et al., 2012 [60]
Serum and tissueThis was the first report of sE-cad detection in neoplastic PCa, and sE-cad was proposed as biomarker for PCa disease progressionKuefer et al., 2003 [61]

SCC SerumsEcad induced SCC proliferation and migration and was proposed as a therapeutic target in coetaneous SCCsBrouxhon et al., 2014 [37]

BlC: bladder cancer; BC: breast cancer; CRC: colorectal cancer; GC: gastric cancer; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; HD: Hodgkin’s disease; LC: lung cancer; MAPK: mitogen-activated protein kinase; MIBlC: muscle invasive bladder cancer; MM: multiple myeloma; NGF: nerve growth factor; PCa: prostate cancer; PST: preoperative systemic chemotherapy; SCC: skin squamous cell carcinoma; sE-cad: soluble E-cadherin; TTC: transitional cell carcinoma; secretome: serum-free cellular culture.