Research Article

Hydrophobic Substituents of the Phenylmethylsulfamide Moiety Can Be Used for the Development of New Selective Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

Table 2

Crystal parameters, data collection, and refinement statistics.

Crystal parameters
 Space groupP21
 Number of independent molecules 1

Data collection statistics
 Resolution (Å)50−1.85
 Wavelength (Å)1.54178
 Temperature (K)100
(%)a3.4 (7.1)
 Mean /()35.8 (13.6)
 Total reflections80810
 Unique reflections20026
 Redundancy (%)4.0 (2.5)
 Completeness (%)96.1 (84.8)

Refinement statistics
 RMSD from ideal geometry
  Bond lengths (Å)0.012
  Bond angles (°)1.7
 Number of protein atoms2091
 Number of water molecules215
 Number of inhibitor atoms (2 molecules)34
 Average B factor (Å2)
  All atoms12.6
  Protein atoms11.6
  Inhibitor 1 atoms19.9
  Inhibitor 2 atoms27.1
  Water molecules20.6
Ramachandran plot
 Residues in the most favored regions (%)88.6
 Residues in additional allowed regions (%)11.0
 Residues in generously allowed regions (%)0.5

= , where is the intensity of an observation and is the mean value for its unique reflection; summations are over all reflections.
b = , where and are the observed and calculated structure-factor amplitudes, respectively. is calculated in same manner as , except that it uses 5% of the data omitted from refinement.