Review Article

Soil Fungal Resources in Annual Cropping Systems and Their Potential for Management

Table 2

General effects of agronomic practices on soil fungal diversity and abundance, disease incidence, soil fertility, crop nutrient use efficiency, and crop growth and yield.

Source of effectsBiodiversity levelCrop growth and productivityDisease, pests and pathogensMicrobial abundanceSoil fertilityNutrient use efficiencyReferences

Biodiversity management
 Crop rotation+a++[101108]
 Cultivar mix+++[103, 104, 109]
 Cover cropping +±+[106, 107, 110]
 Nonmycorrhizal crops+[111]
 Transgenic crops0±0[112117]
 Pesticide use0+0[118121]
 Weed control++[118, 120]
 Inoculants±+++[80, 91, 97, 98, 122, 123]
Soil management
 Organic amendments++++±[102, 124, 125]
 Nitrogen fertilizers±+++[126, 127]
 Mineral fertilization+±+[120, 126]
 Tillage±±±±±±[31, 128130]

a+ (positive to no effects), 0 (negligible effects), − (negative to no effects), and ± (variable effect).