Research Article

NMR-Based Metabolomic Profiling of Overweight Adolescents: An Elucidation of the Effects of Inter-/Intraindividual Differences, Gender, and Pubertal Development

Figure 2

Gender difference (●: boys; ▲: girls) in the urine and plasma metabolome of adolescents: (a) PCA score plot of urine samples (PC1 explains 20.3% and PC3 explains 5.4% of the variation); (b) PCA score plot of plasma samples (PC1 explains 59.2% and PC6 explains 2.3% of the variation); (c) OPLS-DA score plot of urine samples (1 predictive and 2 orthogonal components; ; ; ; ); (d) OPLS-DA score plot of plasma samples (1 predictive and 3 orthogonal components; ; ; ; ); (e) S-line plot of urine samples; (f) S-line plot of plasma samples. Assignments: 1: citrate (2.53, 2.56, 2.67, and 2.70 ppm); 2: creatinine (3.04 and 4.05 ppm); 3: urea (5.50–6.10 ppm); 4: lipoproteins (0.84 and 1.26 ppm); 5: choline (3.20 ppm); 6: phosphocholine (3.22 ppm); 7: unsaturated lipids (5.29 ppm).