Review Article

An Historical Perspective on How Advances in Microscopic Imaging Contributed to Understanding the Leishmania Spp. and Trypanosoma cruzi Host-Parasite Relationship

Box 1

A Philosophical Introduction to the Unobservable.
All things must pass; objects are subdued to time and space—these riddling categories have been a matter of intense philosophical
and scientific debate since Aristotle (384-322 BC). A Newtonian perspective assumes that time is an independent entity that passes
regardless of physical/chemical changes or an external observer. For Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), time, space, and causality are
contained in the experience itself, pertaining essentially to the functioning of the mind [5]. This triad corresponds
to the intrinsic properties of the intellect, which experiences not the reality of the world (confined to experimentally unreachable
“things-in-themselves”), but what our senses impose relative to the world we know. To sense time and space as an experimenter
is to confer to the external world (and objects of study) a “borrowed human logic, in particular a spatiotemporal pattern
which is only human perception in disguise” [5]. This spatiotemporal pattern allows us to put objects of study in a causal logic,
explaining past and predicting future events, and interpreting them as goal-directed, or teleological, phenomena [6].
Time and space are problematic categories to the human experience because there is a multiplicity of scales defined by
different clocks (from subatomic to biological and chronological time) and spatial units in which a plethora of things of human
interest are confined,spared from a direct sensorial experience. This is the case of pathogenic microorganisms, hidden from
direct human experience and unknown to men until the technological advent of microscopes by Leewenhoek (1632–1723)
and the conceptual revolution of the germ theory of disease suggested around the 19th century [7].
Several human pathogens were identified in the late XIX century after biomedical institutions had, as a priority, elucidated
pathogen life cycles and disease etiology. Then and now, the main scientific methodological approach to obtain experimental
evidence on the life cycles of pathogens has been reductionism, the division of complex systems into smaller intelligible parts.
The conceptual framework of a pathogen life cycle has been constructed by a mosaic of separate observations on single factors
acquired at defined time points in a defined geographical or physiological location, generally without continuous
observation of the same individual (host or pathogen). Joint analysis of each factor could account for interpretation of the entire
system; similarly, single spatiotemporal coordinates accessed before and after an experimental condition could explain causality.
Although it is undeniable that the reductionism paradigm has been responsible for the success of modern science and
technological advances in our society, it “often disregards the dynamic interaction between parts,” and a complex problem “is
often depicted as a collection of static components” [8]. The notion of space is also dismembered from time in reductionist
approaches, and important concepts related to the disambiguation of scientific images, such as topology and interaction of
objects, lack dynamic information and can produce or exacerbate “gaps in experience.” Considering the unpredictability,
uniqueness, and structural/dynamic complexity of organisms [6], reducing time and space in disconnected parts in order to
understand biological phenomena has led to limitations in scientific investigation and inadequacy of medical conduct [8].