Review Article

Endothelial Dysfunction in Experimental Models of Arterial Hypertension: Cause or Consequence?

Table 1

Classification of endothelial dysfunction proposed by Evora [55]. For more details and explanation see the original article.

Endothelial dysfunction classification
(I) Etiological classification
(A) Primary or “genotypic”: demonstrated for example in normotensive patients with familial antecedents of essential arterial hypertension.
(B) Secondary or “phenotypic”: present for example in cardiovascular diseases including arterial hypertension.
(II) Functional classification
(A) “Vasotonic”: implying a risk of vasospasm and thrombosis.
(B) “Vasoplegic”: associated with a pathological release of endothelium-derived relaxing factors.
(III) Evolutionary or prognostic classification
(A) Reversible
(B) Partially reversible
(C) Irreversible