Research Article

A Pilot Study Evaluating the Contribution of SLC19A1 (RFC-1) 80G>A Polymorphism to Alzheimer’s Disease in Italian Caucasians

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the study population and data on plasma total homocysteine and serum folate and vitamin B12 levels.

Males (%)Females (%)Age
(years, mean SD)
t-hcya ( mol/L, mean SEM)Folatea (ng/mL, mean SEM)Vitamin B12a (pg/mL, mean SEM)

AD19265 (33.8%)127 (66.2%)
Controls18672 (38.7%)114 (61.3%)

Available from 104 AD and 64 controls.
bSignificant difference versus controls ( value obtained with analysis of covariance using log transformed data and corrected for age and gender).