Research Article

A Time-Dose Model to Quantify the Antioxidant Responses of the Oxidative Hemolysis Inhibition Assay (OxHLIA) and Its Extension to Evaluate Other Hemolytic Effectors

Figure 1

Kinetics of the haemolytic oxidation at different antioxidant concentrations and relationships among the concentration of antioxidant and the parameters that characterize its activity. (a) The kinetic series of the survival erythrocyte population fitted (lines) to the kinetic model (5) using the antioxidant trolox at various concentrations 0-(25)-125 μM (dots). The results were obtained from the study of Takebayashi et al. [26] (Case A1 in Table 1) who recently made a detailed revision of the method. Parametric estimations are showed in Table 4. (b), (c), and (d) show the pattern of the parametric responses as a function of the antioxidant concentration. The parameters and show a linear behavior, while the rate is the modified final and displaying a decreasing asymptotic hyperbolic relation.