Research Article

Enhanced Prevalence of Plasmatic Soluble MHC Class I Chain-Related Molecule in Vascular Pregnancy Diseases

Table 1

Characteristics of study population.

Normal pregnanciesVascular pregnancy diseasesNonvascular IUGR value

Number of patients638125
Age (yrs, mean ± sd)ns
Gestation ()3 [1–9]2 [0–7]2 [0–6]ns
Parity ()1 [0–5]0 [0–4]0 [0–3]ns
Body mass index (kg/cm2)23 [17–48]23.1 [16.3–37.2]23 [18–37]ns
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)12 [10–13]14 [10–22]12 [10–13]
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)7 [5–8.3]8.7 [6–12]7 [5.5–8.5]
Uterine height (cm)32 [29–38]26 [15–36]26 [15–36]
Term at sampling (weeks of gestation)31.7 [15.3–41]30 [17–41]30 [17–41]ns
Term at delivery (weeks of gestation)40.3 [35–42]32.3 [17–41.1]32 [22–41]
Baby weight at birth (g)3300 [2640–4680]1330 [80–3410]1745 [400–2500]

Comparison between groups was performed with nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn posttest. Values indicate median [25–75 interquartile ranges].
between vascular pregnancy diseases and other groups.
between normal pregnancies and other groups.