Research Article

Human Endogenous Retrovirus W Activity in Cartilage of Osteoarthritis Patients

Figure 1

Detection of human endogenous retrovirus sequences in chondrocytes and cartilage from OA patients. Total RNA was isolated and converted into cDNA. HERV sequences were amplified using degenerated primers complementary to sequences in the pro/pol genes of HRV-5 (Table 1) to obtain a ~1,000 bp fragment. Lane 1: DNA marker (in kb); lanes 2–4: OA8; lanes 4, 8, and 10: OA10; lanes 6–8: OA9; lane 11: OA2. Lanes 2, 8, and 9: RNA isolated from nitrogen-crushed cartilage; lanes 3, 7, and 10: RNA obtained from enzyme-digested cartilage; lanes 4–6 and 11: RNA purified from culture-expanded chondrocytes. PCR reactions were run on an agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide, and the DNA was visualized under UV light. Cart.: cartilage; chond.: chondrocytes.