Research Article

Production of Conjugated Linoleic and Conjugated α-Linolenic Acid in a Reconstituted Skim Milk-Based Medium by Bifidobacterial Strains Isolated from Human Breast Milk

Table 2

CLA and CLNA production ( g mL−1) and conversion (%) of LA and LNA by the bifidobacterial strains when growing in MRS-Cys. Conversion calculated as CLA/(LA + CLA) × 100 and CLNA/(LNA + CLNA) × 100, respectively, based on the results of GC.

StrainsCLAcis 9 trans 11
(% CLA)
LA conversion (%)CLNAcis 9 trans 11 cis 15
(% CLNA)
LNA conversion (%)

B. breve ZL12-28 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)
B. breve 29M2 (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a)
B. breve M7-70 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

Values are means of triplicate experiments and standard deviation (±SD).
Means in the same column with different lowercase letters are significant at .