Review Article

Anatomic Imaging of the Prostate

Figure 4

Benign prostatic hyperplasia. (a) Axial T2WI of the prostate at the midgland level. Hyperplasia comprises of both glandular (white asterisk) and stromal (black asterisk) elements. White arrowheads: anterior fibromuscular stroma; black arrowheads: rectoprostatic angle; PZ: peripheral zone; C: incidental Müllerian duct cyst. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. (b) Axial T2WI of the prostate at the midgland level. Hyperplasia comprises of both glandular (white asterisk) and stromal (black asterisk) elements. AFS: anterior fibromuscular stroma; white arrows: neurovascular bundles which are surrounded by fat; R: rectum with endorectal coil.