Research Article

The Renal Effects of Vanadate Exposure: Potential Biomarkers and Oxidative Stress as a Mechanism of Functional Renal Disorders—Preliminary Studies

Table 3

Correlation coefficients for compared variables.


Food-I0.894 Food-I0.817Food-I0.676
Fluid-I0.905 Fluid-I0.754Fluid-I0.707
RRW0.778RRW0.531*RRW0.406 f
BW0.601* BW0.672BW0.780
MDAk0.889 TASk0.598*LDHk0.472 a
TASk0.590* LDHk0.614*ALPk0.492 †††
LDHk0.544* ALPk0.757GGTPk0.401 g
ALPk0.669 GGTPk0.577*EUV0.412 f
GGTPk0.759 Uk0.445 cpH0.588*
EUV0.716 ALBk0.549*Crep0.624
pH0.917 EUV0.613*CreC0.505*
Creu0.630 pH0.761 0.429 d
Up0.483**Crep0.757 0.601*
Crep0.818CreC0.606* 0.408 h
CreC0.652TPp0.437 d 0.552*
ALPp0.448 cLDHp0.539* 0.448 c
0.596* 0.574*
0.654 0.518*
0.399 g 0.496 f
0.612* 0.523*
0.656 0.514*
0.531 a 0.425 i
0.506* 0.490 ff

Fluid-I BWEUVCreu

EUV 0.759Crep0.773Creu0.920 0.561*
Crep0.844Creu0.595* 0.816 0.443 c
Creu0.668CreC0.762 0.499* 0.786
CreC 0.755 0.734 0.569* 0.630
Up0.470 aCysCp0.488‡‡ 0.424 e 0.697
0.700 0.482 a 0.643* 0.776
0.447 c

Data are presented as the correlation coefficients ( ) and the levels of statistical significance ( ).
p,u,kPlasma, urine, and kidney (concentration), respectively.
Fluid-I, Food-I, RRW, BW, and EUV: fluid intake, food intake, renal relative weight, body weight, and excreted urinary volume, respectively.
P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; fP = 0.051; †††P = 0.053; ffP = 0.054; ‡‡P = 0.055; **P = 0.058; aP = 0.06; cP = 0.08; dP = 0.09; eP = 0.10; fP = 0.11; gP = 0.12; hP = 0.13; iP = 0.14.
′,′′Expressed per 24 h and per Creu per 24 h, respectively.
The significant correlations and tendencies toward them are highlighted in normal and italic bold font, respectively.