Review Article

Epidemiology, Phylogeny, and Evolution of Emerging Enteric Picobirnaviruses of Animal Origin and Their Relationship to Human Strains

Table 3

Oligonucleotide sequences for Picobirnavirus identification and genogrouping [3, 7].

PrimersOligonucleotide sequences (5′-3′)GenogroupsAmplicon  size (bp)Reference  strains

PicoB25[+] (665–679)TGG TGT GGA TGT TTCGenogroup I2011-CHN-97
PicoB43[−] (850–865)A(GA)T G(CT)T GGT CGA ACT T

PicoB23[+] (685–699)CGG TAT GGA TGT TTCGenogroup II3694-GA-91
PicoB24[−] (1039–1053)AAG CGA GCC CAT GTA