Clinical Study

Quantitative Electroencephalography and Behavioural Correlates of Daytime Sleepiness in Chronic Stroke

Table 1

Participant information: data presented as mean, ± 1 standard deviation, range, or percent.

Demographical variablesStroke patients Controls

Gender (M : F)18 : 1410 : 10
Age (Years)53.97 ± 12.16 (28–73)54.10 ± 13.21 (33–72)
BMI24.10 ± 2.56 (18.20–28.90)24.56 ± 3.64 (18–30.80)
MMSE29.10 ± 1.06 (26–30)
ESS6.69 ± 4.41 (0–17)5.45 ± 4.52 (0–15)
Chronicity60.91 ± 45.59 (12–210)n/a
Stroke hemisphere (Left : Right)14 : 18n/a
Medication (frequency of participants on medications)Antidepressant (4)
Cardiac control (4)
Antiepileptic (5)
Sleep hypnotics (1)
Alcohol (units per week)8.98 ± 10.75 (0–45)3.66 ± 8.12 (0–35)
Caffeine (servings per day)4.36 ± 2.73 (0–12)3.31 ± 2.74 (0–10)
Nicotine (cigarettes per day)0.97 ± 3.90 (0–20)0.50 ± 2.24 (0–10)