Research Article

Curcumin, a Natural Antioxidant, Acts as a Noncompetitive Inhibitor of Human RNase L in Presence of Its Cofactor 2-5A In Vitro

Figure 3

RNA-degradation activity assay showing the effect of increasing concentration of curcumin on RNase L activity. (a) 1.2% agarose-TBE gel showing RNA degradation profile at 30°C for 10 min. RNA 92 nM (2 μg/20 μL) as mouse kidney total RNA; 2-5A (10 nM); GST-hRNase L (22.5 nM each). (b) Graph depicting quantitative degradation of 28S and 18S rRNAs for GST-hRNase L with increasing concentrations of curcumin (5 μM to 150 μM) expressed as pmol/min RNA degraded. (c) Graph depicting percentage inhibition in GST-hRNase L activity with increasing concentrations of curcumin.