Review Article

Multiparametric MRI-Targeted TRUS Prostate Biopsies Using Visual Registration

Table 1

Seven-step protocol for prostate biopsies performed under TRUS guidance with mp-MRI targeting.


MRI room  Radiologist1Target detectionDetection of mp-MRI lesions having a cancer suspicion score ≥3 and a significant size. A mean of two targets is a good compromise, with a primary target clearly identified.
2Target reportingTransmission of intelligible and accurate information to the physician that will perform the biopsy procedure.

TRUS biopsy roomUrologist/radiologist/both3Intermodality fusionRegistration (or “fusion”) of static, asynchronous, and multiparametric MRI data with that of a real-time and dynamic TRUS data.
4TRUS guidance to target(s)Guidance of the biopsy needle gun to the correct location of the mp-MRI target within the TRUS image volume.
5Sampling simulationSimulation the sampling helps the physician assess the quality of the sampled core, as well as the safety of the sampling.
6Tissue samplingTissue sampling is usually performed using a semiautomatic needle biopsy gun triggered by the physician.
7TRUS biopsy report and quality insuranceReporting of the biopsy procedure, including the location of this additional cores and the correspondence with suspicious mp-MRI image.