Research Article

Evaluation of Plant Phenolic Metabolites as a Source of Alzheimer's Drug Leads

Figure 2

Effects of Lipopolysaccharide, green tea, piceatannol, Markhamia platycalyx, and Schotia brachypetala leaves and Schotia brachypetala stalks on mean alternation percentage using Y maze test. Normal group animals were injected with DMSO or saline 0.9% i.p. once with nonsignificant results between them. The 6 other groups had Alzheimer’s disease that was induced by i.p. injection of LPS once. Five of these groups were treated with either PCT (2.5 mg/kg), or 100 mg/kg of GT, MP, SBS, or SBL daily for 6 days. The animals of each group ( = 8–10) were subjected to Y maze testing on the 7th day and the sequence of arm entries was recorded for 8 minutes for every mouse. Then the percentage alternations were calculated for each mouse. Statistical analysis was performed using unpaired -test to compare every two groups. Each value represents mean ± standard error of mean. Significantly different from normal at . Significantly different from normal at . Significantly different from normal at . Significantly different from LPS at . Significantly different from LPS at . Significantly different from LPS at . MPA: mean alternation percentage. DMSO: dimethyl sulfoxide. LPS: Lipopolysaccharide. GT: green tea extract of Camellia sinensis. PCT: piceatannol. SBS: Schotia brachypetala leaves. SBL: Schotia brachypetala stalk. MP: Markhamia platycalyx. i.p. intraperitoneal injection.