Research Article

Adrenomedullin Deficiency and Aging Exacerbate Ischemic White Matter Injury after Prolonged Cerebral Hypoperfusion in Mice

Figure 6

Serial changes in OLGs and OPCs after prolonged cerebral hypoperfusion between aged groups. (a) Photomicrographs of GSTπ-, PDGFRα-, Iba-1-, iNOS-, 8OHdG-, and HHE-positive cells in the corpus callosum at days 14 (GSTπ, PDGFRα, and Iba-1) and 28 (iNOS, 8OHdG, and HHE) after BCAS. Scale bars = 20 μm (GSTπ, Iba-1, 8OHdG, and HHE), scale bars = 50 μm (iNOS), and scale bars = 100 μm (PDGFRα). ((b)–(g)) Results of quantitative analysis of the number of GSTπ- (b), PDGFRα- (c), Iba-1- (d), 8OHdG- (f), HHE- (g), and the density of iNOS- (e) positive cells in the corpus callosum before and at days 14 and 28 after BCAS. ((h), (i)) Western blotting (h) and densitometric analysis (i) of oxidized proteins. Data are mean ± SEM of five mice in each group. , , compared with the preoperation group (pre). , , compared with the same time points. Pre: preoperation.