Research Article

[Retracted] Immunomodulation in Human Dendritic Cells Leads to Induction of Interferon-Gamma Production by Leishmania donovani Derived KMP-11 Antigen via Activation of NF-κB in Indian Kala-Azar Patients

Figure 2

Phenotypic characterization of mature dendritic cells for expression of costimulatory molecules (CD80, CD83, and CD86) in VL cases. Maturation was induced by 7-days stimulation of DC with TNF-α for 48 hours. (a) Large cells were gated. (b) (B1-B2) The differentially expressed molecule is CD83 (B1) and HLA-DR (B2). The expression was done on at least 3 separate patients. The differentially expressed molecule is CD1a. (c) Mature DCs showing a lesser percentage of CD1a positivity in CD14 and CD1a double stained cells. (d) (D1-D2) Inverted microscopic picture of immature and mature DCs. (e) Mature macrophage showing a greater percentage of CD14+ cells and a lesser percentage of CD19+ cells after 72 h culture.