Clinical Study

Sex Cord Tumor with Annular Tubules: An Incidental Finding in an Endometriotic Cyst—The First Known Cooccurrence

Figure 1

(a) The cysts were lined by endometrial glands and stroma along with numerous hemosiderin laden macrophages (dotted arrow). The solid areas were composed of a cellular tumor having round, complex annular tubules of various sizes (arrow) [HE, 100x]. (b) SCTAT having round, complex annular tubules of various sizes and intercommunicating rings around multiple hyaline bodies [HE, 200x]. (c) Multiple hyaline bodies in the center showing strong PAS positivity [PAS, 200x]. (d) Immunohistochemistry showing tumor cells positive for inhibin [immunohistochemistry with DAB as chromogen, 200x].