Research Article

The Relationship between Independent Transfer Skills and Upper Limb Kinetics in Wheelchair Users

Table 2

The items in part 1 of the TAI.

Items in part 1 of the TAI

(1) The subject’s wheelchair is within 3 inches of the object to which he is transferring on to.
(2) The angle between the subject’s wheelchair and the surface to which he is transferring is approximately 20–45 degrees.
(3) The subject attempts to position his chair to perform the transfer forward of the rear wheel (i.e., subject does not transfer over the rear wheel).
(4) If possible, the subject removes his armrest or attempts to take it out of the way.
(5) The subject performs a level or downhill transfer, whenever possible.
(6) The subject places his feet in a stable position (on the floor if possible) before the transfer.
(7) The subject scoots to the front edge of the wheelchair seat before he transfers (i.e., moves his buttocks to the front 2/3rds of the seat).
(8) Hands are in a stable position prior to the start of the transfer.
(9) A handgrip is utilized correctly by the leading arm (when the handgrip is in the individual’s base of support).
(10) A handgrip is utilized correctly by the trailing arm (when the handgrip is in the individual’s base of support).
(11) Flight is well controlled.
(12) Head-hip relationship is used.
(13) The lead arm is correctly positioned. (The arm should not be extremely internally rotated and should be abducted 30–45 deg.)
(14) The landing phase of the transfer is smooth and well controlled (i.e., hands are not flying off the support surface and the subject is sitting safely on the target surface).
(15) If an assistant is helping, the assistant supports the subject’s arms during the transfer.