Research Article

Knee Flexion and Daily Activities in Patients following Total Knee Replacement: A Comparison with ISO Standard 14243

Table 1

Mean, one standard deviation, and range of demographic and functional data for subjects included in the analysis ( = 32).

(1 SD)

Gender M/F10/22N/A
Age [years]77.8 (6.1)66.0–89.0
Height [cm]164.6 (10.0)149.5–186.0
Mass [kg]80.8 (16.4)57.4–117.1
BMI [kg/m2]29.9 (5.7)21.2–44.3
Affected and tested side (right/left)14/18N/A
Time between surgery and data collection [years]11.5 (3.3)6.6–21.9

Active knee ROM
 Flexion [°]108 ()88–141
 Extension [°]2 ()−6–9
Passive knee ROM
 Flexion [°]110 ()88–141
 Extension [°]2 ()−6–9

ROM: range of motion.