Review Article

Current Controversies in Diagnosis and Management of Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Insufficiency

Table 1

Types of compensatory articulations.

CA typeWhere?How?Main substitutes

Glottal stopLarynxGlottal closure Plosives
Pharyngeal stopPharynxBase of the tongue contacts the posterior wallVelars
Pharyngeal fricativePharynxA fricative made in the pharynxSibilant fricatives
Pharyngeal affricateLarynx PharynxCombines fricative and glottal stopsOral affricates
Posterior nasal fricativePharynxConstriction between the velum and posterior pharyngeal wallSibilant fricatives and affricates
Middorsum palatal stopMidpalatal areaTongue contact central area of palatePlosives /t/, /k/, /d/, /g/
Nasal fricativeNoseNonturbulent nasal emissionFricative

Adapted from Peterson-Falzone et al., 2006 [10], and Golding-Kushner, 2001 [11].