Research Article

Do Italian Companies Manage Work-Related Stress Effectively? A Process Evaluation in Implementing the INAIL Methodology

Table 5

Descriptive indicators related to the preliminary assessment phase of the INAIL’s methodology to assess and manage the risks related to work-related stress (number of companies interviewed = 124).

Preliminary assessment phase


Personnel involved
 Manager as employer’s delegate 8.2%
 Personnel assigned 7.8%
 Health and safety manager18.9%
 Workers’ safety representatives 15.7%
 Health and safety workers assigned4.3%
 Company physician11.6%
 External consultant5.0%

Workers’ involvement
 In the information meetings34.1%
 In planning the assessment 15.2%
 In the collection, analysis, and discussion of data from the checklist 33.8%
 In identifying corrective measures 16.9%
Personnel completing the checklist
 Manager as employer’s delegate 11.1%
 Health and safety manager23.8%
 Company physician10.7%
 Health and safety workers assigned5.3%
 Workers’ safety representatives18.1%
Problems in completing the checklist

Concerns that emerged

Type of concern in completing the checklist
Sentinel event37.7%
 Content of statements not clear2.8%
 Concerns about the application to different business contexts 37.3%
 Concerns about data availability 22.2%
Work content factors38.6%
 Content of statements not clear12.0%
 Concerns about the application to different business contexts 36.9%
 Concerns about data availability 12.4%
Work context factors36.1%
 Content of statements not clear10.2%
 Concerns about the application to different business contexts 40.3%
 Concerns about data availability 13.4%