Clinical Study

Incidence and Risk Factors of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Noncardiac Chinese Patients: A Multicenter Observational Study in University Hospitals

Table 7

Interventions to reduce the risk of PPCs.

Preoperative interventions
 A careful history taking and physical examination
 Encourage cessation of smoking for at least 2 months
 Appropriate use of antibiotics and delay surgery if respiratory infection is present
 Recommend a regular exercise program (e.g., walking, upper limb exercises, swimming, pool exercises, etc.)
 Treat patients with established asthma with inhaled corticosteroids
 Treat patients with established COPD with regular bronchodilators

Intraoperative interventions
 Substitute less ambitious procedure for upper abdominal or thoracic surgery when possible
 Minimize blood loss
 Limit duration of surgery to less than 3 hr
 Whenever possible, use spinal or epidural anesthesia

Postoperative interventions
 Recommend regular lung expansion modalities such as deep breathing exercises
 Perform selective decompression of abdominal contents using nasogastric tube if patient is experiencing symptomatic gastric
 As soon as possible after surgery, have the patient sit up in a chair

PPCs: postoperative pulmonary complications; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.