Research Article

Testosterone Depletion Induces Demethylation of Murine Reelin Promoter CpG Dinucleotides: A Preliminary Study

Figure 4

Methylation specific PCR evaluation of reelin promoter after flutamide administration. (a) MSP analysis of CpG cytosines located at position −860 of mouse reelin promoter. Gel images show results obtained from control mice (lanes 1–3 and 9–11) and flutamide-treated animals (lanes 4–6 and 12–14) using specific primers designed to detect unmethylated or methylated cytosines. In vitro methylated mouse DNA (lanes 7 and 15) serves as positive and negative controls for each MSP primer, respectively. Genomic double-stranded DNA (lanes 8 and 16) was used as additional control to show that MSP primers do not amplify unmodified DNA. L, 100 bp DNA ladder. (b) Semiquantitative end-point comparison of band intensity was carried out using Fiji Software; mice per group. Values represent median ± SEM; .