Research Article

Identification of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamases Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Market Garden Products and Irrigation Water in Benin

Table 2

Total mesophilic count and E. coli count of market garden products and irrigation water collected in Cotonou.

SamplesFMT (CFU/g)E. coli (CFU/g)

Horticultural products
 Lettuce2.6 1060.65 106
 Carrot2.5 1060.44 106
 Great nightshade2.3 1060.52 106
 Cabbage2.4 1060.54 106
Water of watering
 Pool1.5 1060.062 106
 Well2.5 1060.83 106
 Drilling1.8 1060.66 106