We identified an error in our review “Animal Models for the Study of Rodent-Borne Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses: Arenaviruses and Hantaviruses” [1]. In Section “Development of Low Containment Arenavirus Animal Models through Adaptation of Pichinde Virus to Hamsters and Guinea Pigs” the sentence, “This may be owed to similar receptor usage as NW arenavirus of clade A usurp -dystroglycan for cellular entry, whereas clade B NW arenavirus bind transferrin receptor,” is incorrect. The correct sentence is “Clade C, but not clade A, new world arenaviruses usurp -dystroglycan as their major receptor” (C. F. Spiropoulou, S. Kunz, P. E. Rollin, K. P. Campbell, and M. B. A. Oldstone, “New World arenavirus clade C, but not clade A and B viruses, utilizes -dystroglycan as its major receptor,” Journal of Virology, vol. 76, no. 10, pp. 5140–5146, 2002). The receptor for the clade A viruses, including Pichinde virus, is unknown.