Research Article

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the GJB2 and GJB6 Genes Are Associated with Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss

Table 5

Comparative analysis between minor allele frequency described in the database and minor allele frequency in the whole study group.

(nucleotide change)
MAF refMAF study value
(ref × study)

GJB2 rs3751385 (C/T)T = 0.360 0.4050.513
rs7994748 C/TC = 0.4810.173
rs7329857 C/TT = 0.079 0.0430.287
rs7987302 G/AA = 0.098 0.0260.035

GJB6 rs7322538 G/AA = 0.2140.1140.056
rs9315400 C/TT = 0.3620.4510.200
rs877098 C/TT = 0.4290.4860.418
rs945369 A/CC = 0.352 0.4000.472
rs7333214 T/GT = 0.302 0.2360.293

MAF (ref) ≥0.05: minor allele frequency information from public database, NCBI dbSNP Build 132; MAF (study): minor allele frequency in the whole study group. Significant values are shown in boldface.