Research Article

Duck RIG-I CARD Domain Induces the Chicken IFN-β by Activating NF-κB

Figure 1

Expression of different mutants of duRIG-I in DF1 cells measured by western blot. DF1 cells were transfected with the duRIG-I-F, duRIG-I-N, duRIG-I-C, and pcDNA3.1+ plasmids (1 μg each) for 24 h before western blot analysis. Cell lysates were separated by SDS-PAGE, and different mutants of duRIG-I-His were detected with mouse monoclonal antibodies against the His tag. The protein molecular weights (minus the size of the 6*His tag) are labeled on the left side of the figure. pcDNA3.1+–transfected DF-1 was served as a negative control and nontransfection was served as a blank control.