Review Article

Molecular and Functional Imaging of Internet Addiction

Figure 2

11C-NMSP PET imaging of dopamine D2 receptor availability in IGD subjects. (a) In the resting state, low level of 11C-NMSP binding was found in the right inferior temporal gyrus in the IGD subjects compared to controls (yellow color) ( uncorrected, ). (b) In the game task state, 11C-NMSP binding in the putamen was significantly lower in the IGD group than the control group, especially in the right side (yellow color) ( uncorrected, ). (c) Both right (, ) and left putamen 11C-NMSP binding potential (, ) correlated negatively with the Young score in the IGD subjects. (d) The left OFC to the cerebellum ratio of 11C-NMSP binding correlated negatively with the duration of internet overuse (, ) [69].