Research Article

Evaluation of Liver Fibrosis Using Texture Analysis on Combined-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Images at 3.0T

Table 2

Fibrosis prediction model parameters (texture versus Metavir).

ā€‰Source imageTexture classTexture feature

1OriginalPixel intensity histogramMean pixel intensity
2OriginalGaussian mixture modelSTD of the lower intensity pixels
3OriginalGaussian mixture modelAIC of two-Gaussian fit/AIC of single-Gaussian fit
4OriginalVoronoi polygonsSTD of the 1st order inertial moment
5GradientVoronoi polygonsMean of the 2nd order inertial moment
6LaplacianPixel intensity histogramMode/interquartile range

Six most predictive texture features, from strongest to weakest. Keys: STD: standard deviation, AIC: Akaike Information Criterion, inertial moments: mathematical description the shape/area of the Voronoi polygons (see supplementary materials).