Research Article

The Characteristics of Antioxidant Activity after Liver Transplantation in Biliary Atresia Patients

Table 2

Comparison of liver supernatant (randomly selected cases) between mean levels (±SE) of glutathione peroxidase and catalase (CAT) enzymes in different cholestasis groups and control children.

VariableGPx (nmol/min/mL)CAT (nmol/min/mL)

Normal ()67.01 ± 6.3210.57 ± 2.37
BA ()50.05 ± 4.267.11 ± 1.53
LT ()72.48 ± 5.2112.00 ± 1.34
Hepatitis ()49.01 ± 3.3410.26 ± 1.62

BA: biliary atresia before liver transplantation; CAT: catalase; GPx: glutathione peroxidase; LT: biliary atresia after liver transplantation; versus BA.