Research Article

Characterization of a Thioredoxin-1 Gene from Taenia solium and Its Encoding Product

Figure 4

Purification process of the recombinant T. solium thioredoxin-1 (rTsTrx-1) and specificity of rabbit anti-TsTrx-1 serum. (a) 15% SDS-PAGE showing the crude extract of Escherichia coli produced with 4 M urea induced with IPTG, 1: after and 2: before. Crude extract was run through the nickel chelator column; 3: wash column. Eluted fractions with imidazole at 4: 50 mM, 5: 100 mM, 6: 200 mM, and 7: 400 mM. Eluted fractions from 100 and 200 mM were mixed and dialyzed and run through the same column to obtain 8: a pure rTsTrx-1. (b) Western blot showing the reaction from anti-TsTrx-1 serum with 1: pure rTsTrx-1 and crude extracts from 2: Taenia solium larvae, 3: T. solium adult, 4: T. saginata adult, 5: T. taeniaeformis adult, 6: T. crassiceps larvae, 7: Hymenolepis diminuta adult, 8: Fasciola hepatica adult, 9: Entamoeba histolytica, 10: E. coli, and 11: Homo sapiens recombinant Trxs. 12: a preimmune serum was incubated with a crude extract of T. solium larvae as a negative control. 13: T. solium cysticerci E/S Ag. Strips 14 and 15 show the rTrx-E. coli and Trx-Homo sapiens stained with Ponceau red. Molecular mass standards are indicated in the middle of both figures.